Metabolism protects the body and makes you feel good


There is often a tendency to associate metabolism, or metabolism, with weight problems, but in fact it is the basis of the body’s entire life.

Human metabolism is an extremely complex process involving proteins and enzymes. The latter are certain types of proteins that regulate the rate of metabolism and other processes in the body. They are found both in humans and in animals and plants.

Digestive enzymes help break down food into the necessary nutrients, which in turn contribute to the formation of cells and tissues. The metabolism can be conditionally divided into catabolism and anabolism (digestion and synthesis). This means that food is broken down into molecules during digestion, from which it can begin to rebuild the necessary compounds or give the body the energy it needs.

Metabolism performs the function of breaking down, digesting, absorbing and utilizing nutrients in the body (producing energy and building cells), and excreting residues and extraneous compounds. “The body’s metabolism uses energy solely to keep our bodies alive – breathing, heart work, cell renewal, blood movement, reflexes, thinking, temperature regulation and muscle function,” explained Riinu Rätsep, a member of the Estonian Nutritionists Association and functional nutritionist.

Metabolic Functions And Speed
The main functions of metabolism are:

. Nutrient cleavage
. Digestion
. Manufacture of necessary construction materials
. Energy production
. Removal of residues from the body

The basic metabolic processes work in the same way in all humans, but enzyme activity may vary. Therefore, some metabolism is slightly faster, while others are slower. This is perfectly normal and natural.

Muscle mass also causes differences in the rate of metabolism. An educated person is also likely to burn more calories when sitting than a person with less muscle mass and a higher percentage of fat. However, when the diet is gone, the enzymes lack the vitamins and minerals that stimulate them.

In addition to exercisers, men who are generally physically stronger than women may also have better metabolism. Because they only take more energy to function, their metabolism is usually faster than that of women. In addition, men also consume more calories during sleep.

Proper metabolism means good digestion and a strong immune system
Well-chosen food, followed by digestion and absorption of nutrients, are essential for the body to function perfectly. The food that is eaten is digested in the intestine, where most of the immune system is located, so a well-functioning metabolism is crucial for health as well.

“Good nutrition is a balanced diet that contains the essential macronutrients and micronutrients in the right balance for the human body. We eat to give our body the essential functions it needs to be active and work, ”said the nutritionist.

“If the digestive process is disturbed, it affects the whole body. It is therefore difficult to overestimate the importance of digestive health. Nutrition can support normal physiological and biochemical processes throughout the body, including the digestive system. ”

Metabolism supports the immune system through the absorption of nutrients. “If we have enough nutrients in our diet, or if we have made a good choice, then our immune cells can also get the food they need to be active and detect, recognize and kill viral bacteria,” explained Riinu Rätsep.


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