Win a Bitcoin worth 5949 €


1 minutes of reading

It took Bitcoin a week to break a new record. This cryptocurrency has been on the rise since 2017 has just exceeded $ 7,000. Which makes it the world’s most famous cryptocurrency!

As a reminder, in September the Bictoin was evaluated on the market at 5000 dollars and 1000 dollars in December 2016 … A beautiful valuation that, for sure delighted the lucky Bitcoin holder.

Speaking of happy, we have the pleasure this month to offer you a Bitcoin through a contest! Imagine: Your first Bitcoin worth $ 5949 just for you. Enough to embark on the adventure serenely and see perhaps its cryptomony climb further in the coming months. So do not delay and participate in this game to win your Bitcoin quickly:

Win your Bitcoin

Banks and cryptocurrencies
Be aware that Bitcoin is a virtual currency (like the ethereum) which is not currently controlled or regulated by banking organizations. Japan and Russia have officially recognized Bitcoin as a means of payment in their country.

A reminder, this currency created by Satoshi Nakamoto (note: pseudonym) will not exceed 21 million Bitcoins in circulation. Currently 16.5 million have been created. What will turn the heads of many financial organizations in the coming months.


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