Earning money online was never been easy. Yes you can earn if you can work hard. There are lots of job available online. You can bid for a job and have to proof yourself best worker. These are really professional people who are doing this and earning lots of money everyday. But what you are doing? You are wasting your time with social media and communications. It brings nothing to you rather killing time. If your enjoyable time can make money why not taking the chance?
Now you will have few social communication sites where every click of like make cents for you. If you post photos, new status, blog or article, list a product to sell etc will be counted as a point which will make money. Thus you can do fun with your friends and community and it will increase your points.
Every member have an individual referral link. If you share your referral link with your other friends to join with you, when they follow your referral links and join here you will be paid for each referral. So just share your referral link to all your social community to invite more people and earn more money online.
Earn more money earn more points. You may cash out all points or money or spend points to promote or boost up your posts or page. Which will also help you to reach more people with your product or service. Thus you can promote or boost without paying money from your pocket.
Tarunno.com is a South Asian social Community site specially used in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan and some other countries. It was more than ten years as a South Asian Social Community. Join the community now to earn money just making fun with friends. Also invite your friends with your referral link to increase your earning. You may join using sign up form or using your google/facebook ID.