Today it is important to understand how to write an opinion article . Because it is a content that emphasizes your right as a blogger to comment on reality.

Indeed, rather than a right I see this possibility as a pillar of prolific blogging, capable of writing every day . But that should not churn out by forceful chronicle : what you write should not always be divine law and inviolable criticism.

This is the beauty of blogging: you have a tool to create content, to express your opinion. In an editorial calendar there are different articles.

Find the pillar articles that answer specific questions, the tutorials that guide the reader, the cornerstone content that define the basis of the topic. Every post has reason to exist , even opinion articles. But how to write them?

What is an opinion article: definition
The topics of the post

.What is an opinion article: definition
. Why put opinions in the forefront?
. Rules for writing opinion articles
. Structure and outline of an article carried out
. How to write an opinion article online
. How to write a news article: ideas?

This term means a content that goes beyond the enumeration of the actual points, putting the author ‘s opinion in the foreground .

In a news article everything is based on the clarity of facts, on the ability of the journalist or blogger to explain carefully what happened.

Here the classic skills of web journalism are highlighted , with a display of direct 5W style attacks and posting. How to write an opinion article instead?

We work on the opposite point: the value of the content concerns precisely the ability to highlight interesting points of view, consistent with the reader. People read that post precisely because they look for the author’s expression.

Why put opinions in the forefront?
It gives you a face, it makes you human in the eyes of readers. And potential customers. In journalism, the opinion article is a content that attracts the busy reader , the one who not only looks for the news but wants a point of view to broaden the ideas.

Let’s look at the topic from the perspective of those who make web marketing : writing an opinion article, based on criticism of the fact and not on the news, means creating a community around your blog. And give a good reason to be there.

Attracting people with SEO and social media marketing, turning them into leads through landing pages, following the rules of inbound marketing : this is right, but only the blog with a loyal audience survives over time. And it gives satisfaction.

How do you create a loyal audience ? My complete recipe is found in the book Etno Blogging , but personality is one of the ingredients. Personality can be seen through the tone of voice , in words and in the style used to communicate.

Rules for writing opinion articles
Publishing articles in a newspaper or an online magazine puts you in trouble? Don’t worry, the essential points to create such a content are those that you must follow to write any newspaper article .But it is right to give a reference:

Develop an interesting idea
Haven’t you started tapping on the keyboard yet? You must have something interesting to say and communicate. It is useless to think about how to write an opinion article if you do not have a remarkable point of view, different from the mass and from other opinion makers.

Always follow the rules
How to write an opinion article? Simple, the first point must be respect for shared bases. Whether it is a critical or chronicle content, it makes no difference:

. Focus on grammar and cure syntax.
. Simplify every step for the reader.
. Always work towards clarity.

The rules for publishing an opinion article are no different from those you follow to write a post for the corporate or personal blog . You have to put Italian grammar , syntax, the fight against everything that weighs down.

Clarify the nature of the post immediately
If you want to create an article based on opinions you have to make it clear. The reader must understand that he is faced with a chronicle from the first passage . The attack of the article must already be manifest of what you are about to propose:

. Use a recognizable, friendly tone of voice.
. Speak in person, without hiding your person.
. Put your opinion on top.

This is an immutable rule of journalism and good writing online, but also offline. Never forget the principle of the inverted pyramid .

How to write an effective, interesting and attention-grabbing opinion article? Focus on your idea, the value of your opinion .

Comment, don’t judge
People may disagree with you, but if you express your point of view politely they are ready to respect it . Or they may be in line with your opinion, and that’s a point in your favor: you’ve earned a reader. In any case, you put your point of view on the line. Always respect those who see it differently.

Structure and outline of an article carried out
Of course, now you need an example that can show the development of a content. In the first place it is right to make a brief summary of the various elements that make up the structure of a newspaper article as a whole:

Titling, consisting of:
. Eyelet that introduces.
. Title to strike attention.
. Summary to learn more.
Article consisting of:
. Lead or attack to introduce the idea.
. Exposure of the facts in your favor.
. Development of what you have proposed.
. Conclusions that support the thesis.

The text of an opinion article is argumentative , revolving around a thesis. As a result it has a classic development: it places an impact attack with an idea, develops it and concludes it. On the other hand, designing the idea does not just mean following intuition.

To create a valid structure of the opinion article we need study . You have to face all the documents to express sensible ideas. And not to cross your voice with that of other journalists or bloggers .

How to write an opinion article online
SEO is an important aspect of your blog, but it must be managed by people capable of looking beyond the keyword. Do all articles need to have a focus keyword and a purpose in terms of search engine optimization?

Not always. There are articles that have as their objective the loyalty of the public , the creation of a friendly audience. And above all, the definition of a human company .

A reality capable of communicating an idea , one’s own opinion. An opinion that may or may not meet the favor of readers. But that when he goes online he has to take care of:

. Tag title

. Meta description
. SEO friendly URL
. SEO image optimization
. Title H1
. Subtitles of the post .

Writing an article in SEO must be your compass, even when you work on an opinion article. That is a content that does not have a clear topic, a query to satisfy. Here is the community in t

he center, with all the resulting problems .

The risks of publishing your opinion
The articles in which you expose your point of view are the most difficult and risky. You’re afraid of exporting, I understand it. But I can assure you that it’s easier than it seems.

And above all, th

ey can merge with the technical posts. For example with the tutorials , those posts where you just have to expose a procedure, a sequence of operations already known. Want to make a difference? Add your personal experience, your assessment.

To read: how to create a WordPress post

How to write a news article: ideas?
There are those who are juridical without arguing, those who contribute politely to the creation of knowledge and culture with their own idea. Which side are you on? Have you already started writing opinion articles for your blog? Results? Leave your idea in the comments.


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