How to get rid of loose, baggy skin after weight loss Just yesterday I met someone at the gym who told me about her extreme weight loss transformation. She told me she weighed 120 kilos almost 6 months ago and...
Whether it's at first glance (based on their outfit), or at first whiff (based on the perfume they're wearing), we're all guilty of forming first impressions about people well before getting to know them. However, even though our perfume...
Eat more calories than you burn: To gain weight, you need to consume more calories than you burn in a day. This can be achieved by increasing your portion sizes and adding more calorie-dense foods to your meals.Gaining weight...
The stock price of pharmaceutical and medical-products giant Johnson & Johnson plunged 10% Friday after a news report said the company knew for decades that raw ingredients used in its talcum powder sometimes contained small amounts of asbestos, which...
Aside from running for medicine, you could try to prevent ailments by strengthening your immune system. When defenses drop, viruses and bacteria get the better of it.Many foods have the ability to strengthen the immune system when taken regularly....
It's important to continue consuming nutrient-dense foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins.Gaining weight can be an intense journey for anyone, especially for someone trying to build muscle. While many people may associate gaining weight with...
Celebrities like Kate Middleton, Jennifer Lopez and Penelope Cruz have contributed greatly in making the Dukan diet popular, which was created by Dr. Pierre Dukan, who is a French medical doctor. But what exactly is Dukan diet, which is...
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